Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Goals and trying to live the dream

Hi everybody! After I posted my blog last week, I was completely overwhelmed by the amount of encouragement I received through comments on the blog, on Facebook and in personal messages and texts. I can't believe it! You all are pretty incredible people and I'm so grateful that, at least in some capacity, you are part of my life.

*disclaimer* If you messaged me and I didn't get back to you, please message me again. I was buried in messages!

After last week's post, I subjected myself to all the vulnerability of criticism (there was definitely some of that), support (TONS!) and facing my own demons. I needed the cleansing effect that "putting myself out there" gave me. I needed to be held accountable and lifted up by the 545 people that read my post. During the last week, I've been in kind of a meditative trance, trying to figure out my goals and plan of attack to best accomplish tackle my goals. I have a few marvelous people rallied around me and we are DOING THIS!! If you are motivated to do the same, let me know! Here's how it's goin' down!

Goal setting is obviously important. In fact, I found a website called and on it, I found this:

Goal definition can be important to your quality of life. This fact has been proven repeatedly through sound empirical research in psychology and social science as well as business and economics. Personal goal setting is important for things like ...
  • Wealth, abundance, and prosperity
  • Achievement
  • Wellbeing and life satisfaction
  • Motivation
  • Increased self-confidence
  • Hope and optimism
  • Greater sense of control and effectiveness
I highlighted the bullet points that pertain to my weight loss-- all but ONE! Goal setting IS happening around here, y'all because who wouldn't want to reap those benefits? I wrote down my monthly goals and I'm working toward each one currently.

So here are my monthly goals. They are pretty simple, yet specific enough that I can't really cheat. If you can't see them in the photo, they are:

1. WATER- All day, every day. I sit all day at work and sometimes, I get a little bored. Or tired. And I convince myself that I NEED caffeine. I don't drink coffee, so at 3pm, when that familiar slumps tends to hit me, I will reach for WATER instead of pop. I drink out of a regular water bottle, so I use a permanent marker to tally my daily bottles of water.
2. Exercise 6 days a week. (Yes, SIX!) This is a challenge because I love sleeping in and being lazy on weekends. It can't happen anymore!
3. Portion control -- and snack often! When I "diet" I deprive my body of food in order to feel like I'm making progress with my goal. Then when I eat, it's a feast and I totally gorge on it! It's not pretty. SO-- smaller meals and snacks to keep me feeling full should do the trick!
4. Don't eat after 9pm. - This is tough because I usually eat at 6, so at 9:30 or so, I'm hungry for a little something, which is usually something terribly unhealthy. I will chug a glass of water, eat dinner and then keep the water flowin' all evening. Also I can sleep. Sleep instead.
5. Log food into - My friend Kim turned me on to this app. It's. Amazing. You can add in recipes and it factors out nutrition facts based on serving size. You can scan barcodes of things you eat and track it that way. God bless useful apps.

Additionally, I'm reading this wonderful book called, "Made to Crave- Satisfying Your Deepest Desire With God Not Food" This book is not a how-to manual or the latest, greatest dieting plan.  is a helpful companion to use alongside whatever healthy eating approach you choose — a book and Bible study to help you find the “want to” in how to make healthy lifestyle changes.

Guys, so far, this book is blowing my mind at how I'm looking at food and my relationship with it. It's an easy read and it's the perfect personal development book as I start this journey.

FINALLY, I'm going to work harder as a Beachbody coach, starting with leading a challenge group! These groups are for people that want to get serious about their health but also thrive on having a support system. Mine will be a 90 day group, beginning on May 5, with my friend Katie! We are looking for 5-10 people who are SICK of making excuses and justifying their decisions about health and fitness. Those people should be committed to being the BEST version to themselves! Seriously ya'll, if you're interested, please let me know because this group is going to fill up fast- I already have 2 challengers ready to GO! I want this group to be AWESOME and SUPER successful!

I'm excited about turning over this new leaf in my life. I have never been "fat" but I've never had to try to fit into jeans either. I'm ready to be HAPPY!

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