Friday, January 27, 2012

Re-evaluating my idea of a good time

As I said in my last post, I'm reading "The Happiness Project" by Gretchen Rubin. I'm currently reading chapter 5, "May- Be Serious About Play." She focuses the month of May on leisure, or more specifically, find more fun, take time to be silly, go off the path, and start a collection. In the chapter, she asks herself what she finds to be fun. It sounds really simple.... you think we'd know what we find to be fun. One of Rubin's "Secrets to Adulthood" is 'what's fun for other people may not be fun to you-- and vice versa.'

This chapter really hit me-- of course! There are so many things that people find fun that I really don't. In a former life, I went out a lot. Girls' nights out, dressing up, etc. Many of the girls I went out with are now married, have babies and well, they're settled. It's not a priority for them. However, I'm not married nor do I have any babies, so should I still want to go bar hopping with the remaining single girls? That doesn't appeal to me whatsoever.

I think so many people do what the crowd does. People say parties are fun, so they go to parties. They say running is fun, so they kill themselves on the treadmill.  Parties CAN be fun, but they tend to be more work than they are worth. As I've said before, the end result of running is a rush, so I guess that's fun, but the act of running kinda sucks. So the real question is, what do I find to be fun? Here are a few things... I may add more to it when I figure out what I really find fun.

Truth be told, I'm a homebody. I like staying in more than I like to go out. I find staying in and watching a movie or playing games much more fun than getting all dolled up just to go to some trendy bar and wait in lines behind some bachelorette party or 21st birthday party of screeching girls or getting stared at by some creepy guy hipster, that thinks he's God's gift to the ladies. Puke. If I go out, I like to go with a couple of friends, to someplace that we can talk. 

I like to drink wine and interesting beers. I go to the store and go to the mix and match 6 pack area and get 6 bottles of beer I've never heard of. I don't like cheap crappy beer. Yes, once upon a time, I could drink it like water, but those days are long gone. If I'm going to drink, I'm going to do it well on beverages I can savor.

I love to read. Whether it's something factual that I can learn something new or a fiction novel that I can completely lose myself in for an hour at a time, I adore it. Reading can do so many things for a person's imagination not to mention their vocabulary. Reading is just calming for the spirit.

I'd love to hear what you guys find to be fun! Comment!!!!

Monday, January 23, 2012


This winter has been exceptionally awesome. Not only in my personal life, but the weather has been mild, if not warm! We have even enjoyed a few 60 degree days along the way as well. But then, winter came. We all new it was going to happen! Even though there's really not that much snow, it's super windy and that's what makes it too cold. Less than 2 months to spring! Anyway, here's what's happening in my world:

Awesome Read: I'm reading a great book- It's called The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin. It's about this woman who is happy in her life, but she thinks that she could be happier. So, she devises a plan that for one year, she will do little things in her life to make it just that much more happier. It's motivational and a great, easy read. However, before you start thinking that it's all sunshine and rainbows, I'm mostly impressed with this book because she talks about things in her plan that didn't work so well or that she didn't like. It's more real and attainable that way, I think. Great read-- do it!

Awesome Family: My sister came to visit! My younger sister is married and has a baby that's just over a year old. Her family moved to California last year and I miss them like crazy! Anyway they are here to visit for 10 days and life is just better when they are around. My niece is just over 1 now and she is toddling around doing silly things and babbling away. I'm not quite ready for one of my own yet, but nieces and nephews make life so happy!

Awesome Traveling: My boyfriend is fantastic and knows how much I miss my mountains! So, we are travelling over Memorial Day to see his brother in Atlanta and then a few of my mountain buddies!!! I can't tell you how excited I am!!!! It's going to be a fun fun fun trip.

Awesome Job: Like anyone, I have gripes about my job. I have days when staying in bed just seems cozier and pajamas and slippers fit better than dress slacks and ballet flats or heels. One of the main reasons I hated coming to work was because my computer was a piece of crap. It would just shut down, or freeze or kick me out of whatever program I was working in. After numerous visits with the computer people and several emails to the person in charge of this begging to get me a new computer, I finally got one! Hooray!!! So, I deep cleaned my desk and now, I have renewed energy. We also have a new CEO and she has brought in a new energy... a very positive one to our office and in the month that she's been here, the culture of the office has changed! People seem happier and more excited about what we do. Woo!

Focus on the happy, friends!