Friday, July 13, 2012

My life since April

Friends, I realized I haven't posted a blog since April! Wow. So much for journalling about my life everyday! In my defense, the last few months have been busy ones. Here's a litle update: 

In May, I got engaged to the man that makes me the best version of myself. He tolerates my crazy and talks me down from it. He's silly and makes me laugh harder than anyone ever has. He always strives to be a better person and he balances me completely. "I" has become "we" and it feels amazing to make plans for a future with my partner in crime. We are getting married in June of next year and I absolutely cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with this man. 

Also in May, my sister and niece visited from California! She has the luxury (mind you, I say this from a childless lady's perspective) of staying home with my niece so she can take a month "vacation" to see us! I love seeing them! My niece is the best age too... 18 months. She's learning to play and have a sense of humor. She's learning to use utensils when she eats. I don't care if you are the toughest, meanest person ever; watching a chubby kid devop motor skills while getting food all over their face and then laughing about it is absolutely hilarious.
 June was pretty busy for me as well. Of course, wedding planning really began and work was busy like always. But I got the opportunity to really learn about 1/4 of my ancestry. On my paternal grandfather's side, I am Swedish (the other 3/4 are German, Swiss and Danish). My sister lives near a very Swedish community and enrolled 2 of my nephews in Swedish school. During the school, they learn Swedish customs, words and dances. At the end of the school, they perform dances (in costume!) and sing songs in Swedish. It's right at the time of summer solstice so after dancing and singing is finished, the childen grab flowers and tie them onto the pole. Then people join in a circle and dance around the pole. Very cool and not something that you see every day. Being Swedish is sweet....ish. :)

So the rest of my summer is filling up... mostly with work, which is not fun. But really, Life is Good and happiness is everywhere. Sometimes you have to look for it.

Be Happy <3