Thursday, May 8, 2014

My pants and moving towards the BEST version of me.

Hey friends!
   It's been a busy couple of weeks in my world! My husband and I had a heart to heart about our health and goals. Since then, we've been holding each other accountable and encouraging each other to focus and follow through. I ALSO teamed up with some pretty amazing Beachbody coaches to create the best challenge group of all time.

   Seriously y'all... create your own support system because when your goals are far away, you totally need it.

   The aforementioned challenge group requires using Beachbody products; Shakeology, which I do Shaun T's Insanity Asylum because I obviously have a death wish. But that doesn't start until MONDAY. So in the interim, I've been going to Kosama classes. Kosama is a mixture of cardio and weights and it's pretty intense. Since it's been humid, the Kosama gym is SO. STINKING. HOT. I'm talkin' about chewing the air in there. Even the tops of my hands sweat. WHY?! Struggling through the workout is completely worth it, however, because I burn, on average, 700 calories. SEVEN HUNDRED CALORIES. Like I said, intense.

   When I need to force myself through a workout like this, I have tested a number of mind over matter techniques to get me through it. Visualizing myself in a bikini. Having a 6-pack. Working towards Carrie Underwood legs. I think I have to work up to thinking about all that. For now, I have to clear my head. Kind of a meditation while doing a high-intensity workout. Stop thinking about work. Stop thinking about where I want to be because then I just get discouraged that I'm not closer to that. Clear it all OUT. Focus on ME. Focus on how well I'm doing. My form, my intensity. Squatting lower. Lunging deeper. Jumper higher and faster. Lifting heavier. Not dying. All in a day's work, friends.

   So the focus is me.  My personal goals are so weird now. Sweating through my shirt is a like a badge of honor. Working harder to burn another 50 or 100 calories is like winning a race. These baby steps are going to get me to where I need to be!

  I also focus on my pants. That's right. M'pants. The following comments are not exactly the prettiest, but they are real and that's what I'm striving for. I workout in yoga pants. Always. I don't do shorts. I have about 8 pair of pants I cycle through and exactly one of them fit me perfectly. As in, I don't have to worry about them sneaking down my bottom as I move and jump and squat. They stay where they need to be. But, they are old and ripped in some places. Probably because of my Hulk-like muscles. SO I ask you, WHERE do I find pants that STAY IN PLACE? There are lots of girls in my class with shapely derrieres and they don't seem to have a wiggly pants issue. Maybe I'll just wear maternity pants backwards and call it a day. I'm not even kidding.

   Whatever. I'm there, I'm working like crazy. I have sore muscles and I'm tired at like, 8pm. I am DOING IT!!



  1. Hi Laura. One of my favorite workout pants come from this site:

    My others - Target. I usually gravitate toward workout pants with a drawstring waistband as that helps keep everything up. :) Love you!

  2. Keep it up. We're in your corner.
