I've made my fair share of New Year's Resolutions. They rarely succeed because, well, I haven't fully worked on them. I get bored or lazy or distracted and give up.
** A few numbers**
Did you know
45% of Americans make New Year's resolutions? Any guesses as to how many people follow through with their promises they made on December 31?
Eight percent.
But, people who make resolutions are
10 times more likely to achieve their goals than those that don't, That makes sense. Some people are goal-oriented and like to work towards an end result. I for one, strive to be one of those people.
For work, I am currently reading
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon. Our partners recommended that everyone in our office read it, as they'd like it to effect the culture of our company. While reading it, I began to realize it's an amazing outlook for an office, but also a pretty incredible mantra for all aspects of my life; work,
Beachbody "work", my faith, family, friendships, etc. I encourage everyone to read the book and allow it to encourage them to be the best version of themselves.

That said, it seems like I don't believe in short-term resolutions, but rather
lifestyle reVolutions. Positive changes to make life better, easier and more enjoyable. What a concept, right? Here's a list of 10 things I'd like to work on moving forward in 2014 as part of my personal development.
1. Read More
I love books. I have many and I keep lusting after more. However, I have become more of a TV person than a book person. My goal is to become more well-read. Turn off the TV and and lose myself in a book. Fiction, historical, biographies, self-help... all interest me and all are currently sitting lonely on my bookshelf.
2. Stop comparing myself to others
As a woman, I know I'm not alone in doing this. I compare myself to other women that are in better shape, more accomplished, further along in their life events (having babies, owning a home, achieving higher education, etc.) I need to stop doing that and just work on my life. My body, circumstances and goals are different than theirs and sometimes that's hard to remember!
3. Start viewing "failures" as "another road to success."
To be honest with you all, I had quite the pity party the other night. I felt like I have failed at goals over and over again, only to feel like I'm in a rut. I'm not currently working towards anything and that leaves me without a sense of purpose. I need to turn those "failures" into stepping stones towards success.
4. Be healthy (and not worry about the number on the scale)
Again ladies, I know I'm not alone. I have continued to gain weight pretty regularly for the last few years. I can't tell you how many pairs of jeans have bitten the dust due to my expanding waistline. However, my revolution for this is to focus on HEALTH and not weight.
5. Keep the bathroom vanity clean.
This one is kind of silly. We have 2 bathrooms in our house, but the hubs and I share our master bathroom as our main bathroom. I do my make-up in there, have all my products, hair tools, etc. In my hurriedness in the mornings, I leave everything sitting out and it gets messy fast. I have decided I'm going to make more of an effort to live in bathroom harmony with the fella by cleaning up after myself. I started this morning and it took about 5 seconds! It will make the routine so much more enjoyable if we have a clean space!
6. Think.
I can't take full credit for this one-- I read it in an article about things 20-somethings should do more. We are a generation that acts based on feeling and not so much on thinking about actions. Think before we speak. Act. React. Write an email or Facebook post. After reading that article I realized that I have been slowly working on this point since I met my husband. It's a sign of class and maturity that I will continue to develop.
7. If I have a problem, work on it.
I have a tendency to get upset about something and stew on it. That's not helpful, productive or healthy. Moving forward, I plan to be more assertive about my own emotions.
8. Be organized.
This includes my desk at work, closets at home, my car and my filing cabinet. They all need some help and I intend to give them the attention they deserve.
9. Unplug.
I use Facebook to keep in touch with friends and family and to promote my business. It's become a necessity rather than just a fun little website. I love it, but I realize that I need to unplug from my phone, email, Facebook, Kindle, etc. etc. I need to be more present with those I'm with and save my computer time for alone time.
10. Be a better wife, daughter, sister, aunt and friend.
This is pretty self-explanatory, but I would like to build better relationships with those in my life. If I don't, who will?
I'd love to hear your goals for the new year, or your thoughts on mine. Until then, I wish you a happy, healthy and prosperous new year. <3