Monday, July 8, 2013

I'm totally "that girl" right now

I just want to take a moment and gush about how wonderful my husband is. I know. It's annoying and I hate girls that do this all the time because really... it's just irritating. Gush to each other about each other... sheesh.

But, I'm swooning over him on a blog that I share with the world because:
a. it has to do with working out and my long-term goal of fitness and health.
b. because of budget cuts, our Town Crier has been fired, so this is my version of shouting it from the rooftops.
c. to emphasize that every girl needs an Encourager and Motivator in their lives.

Let me begin by saying I have fallen off the wagon. Not in the I'll-be-the-girl-in-the-back-corner-of-the-bar-alcolohism kind of way, but in the foodie way. I love food and so does America on the 4th of July. I didn't do too badly, but ever since the wedding, I've been like a fish out of water... out of Shakeology shakes and grabbing at straws to stay healthy.... it's difficult.

On top of that, I've been trying to get our apartment organized and feeling like a home. I'm the type of person that needs to have order. I am happiest when my personal bubble is tidy and seems to lower stress. You can imagine my unrest when I can't find anything in my house because it's in a box, or still at my Mom's or whatever.

I will also be the first to admit that I'm not easy to live with (my sister, brother and mother and probably some former post-college roommates can attest to this). I'm the most emotional person I know and also a little paranoid. I also think I have the latest virus or whatever is going around. SARS wasn't bad, but the Swine Flu, Bird Flu, etc... mess. I can't read anything about cancer. I'm that girl. I maintain that that is exactly why I'm not in the medical field. I can't handle it.

Anyway.. I'm emotional and paranoid and mad because I'm back to chubby and my poor husband is still adjusting to life with a wife. He wants to hang out and watch movies and cook dinner together, etc. I want to do those things too, but if I can't function with a mess, it ain't happenin'. Saturday night, after a day of organizing and still feeling like nothing is in it's place, I had a breakdown. My husband was at a loss.

The next day, he mentioned he's going on a run later in the day. I told him I'd go with him. The man is in the military and can run pretty darn fast. In my best shape I'm not a fast runner. I reminded him of this as we began. He assured me it was fine.

After about 3/4 mile in the humid July afternoon, Randy acted like he could comfortably run faster, so I told him, breathlessly, to run ahead if he wanted to. He said, "I will when I run alone... we're a team and we are doing this together." And then he fist-bumped me. The man stuck with me through the whole thing... including a few times when I had to walk (it was about 2 miles total). I'm pretty sure he could have walked faster than we were running, but he didn't mock me by doing so. Afterwards, he told me he was proud of me.

I guess the point of this entry is to tell you all that you NEED to have someone that's 100% on your team and that wants you to succeed for YOU and not for them or anything else. In my case, my team captain is my husband, but for you it could be a friend or neighbor or whomever. It's not about looking a certain way or comparing yourself to someone else. It's about being the best you can be!

sidenote: I have a lot of people on my team, so I don't want to offend any of you out there that are stewing right now. Randy is the one that lives with me, sees me at my worst and most vulnerable and encourages me and believes in me anyway. He's wonderful!

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