Those of you that follow me on facebook know that I have been observing the holiday of giving thanks by publicly announcing random things that I'm thankful for. They get a little silly-- I'm thankful for pillows and my stupid mean cat, etc. Originally I thought that everyone is thankful for their family, their friends, boyfriend or girlfriend, pets, health and having a job. That's the big stuff that is obvious and easy to think of. My idea was to recognize little things so people could take a step back and appreciate the little things in life when all the big things seem to be going wrong.
However I ran across a picture on Pinterest (my new favorite website. It's highly addictive, yet educational!-- but that's another blog topic) yesterday that really makes the aforementioned "big things" kind of small. I would like all of you to take a good look at it and realize just how lucky you are to have your basic needs met. If it's raining, snowing or a little windy, you get to go in a nearby building that's most likely heated and air conditioned. At night you sleep in a bed with not only one pillow, but probably several blankets. On a mattress. When you're hungry, you go to the kitchen, store, or out to eat to fill your craving. You probably aren't even really hungry-- you are probably just bored so you eat crap that's not even nourishing.
Friends, my point is that we are ALL very blessed. No matter how much debt we have or how little money we make. No matter that we got into a fight with a loved one or ran out of toothpaste this morning. If our biggest problem of the day is deciding which pair of pants to put on, remember to look at it from a different angle-- we HAVE clothes, shelter and plenty of food. In fact, I'm listening a co-worker right now discuss how many turkeys her friend is making and that her mother always made 20 pounds of potatoes. That's incredible! We take that stuff for granted and if we don't get it, we complain and mope. Because of our blessings, we should help those that don't have these things. It's our duty as people to help others that are going without.
Wherever you're going this Thanksgiving and with whomever you're spending it -- remember to really be THANKFUL, APPRECIATIVE and GRATEFUL.
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